snappy-java's Integer Overflow vulnerability in shuffle leads to DoS
Due to unchecked multiplications, an integer overflow may occur, causing a fatal error.
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The function shuffle(int[] input) in the file BitShuffle.java receives an array of integers and applies a bit shuffle on it. It does so by multiplying the length by 4 and passing it to the natively compiled shuffle function.
Since the length is not tested, the multiplication by four can cause an integer overflow and become a smaller value than the true size, or even zero or negative. In the case of a negative value, a “java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException” exception will raise, which can crash the program. In a case of a value that is zero or too small, the code that afterwards references the shuffled array will assume a bigger size of the array, which might cause exceptions such as “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException”. The same issue exists also when using the “shuffle” functions that receive a double, float, long and short, each using a different multiplier that may cause the same issue.
Compile and run the following code:
The program will crash, showing the following error (or similar):
Alternatively - compile and run the following code:
The program will crash with the following error (or similar):