Chainguard Image for syft
Chainguard Images are regularly-updated, minimal container images with low-to-zero CVEs.
Download this Image
This image is available on
docker pull
Be sure to replace the ORGANIZATION
placeholder with the name used for your organization's private repository within the Chainguard registry.
Image Variants
Our latest
tag uses the most recent build of the Wolfi syft package. The following tagged variant is available without authentication:
: This is an image for running syft
commands. It does not include a shell or other applications.
syft help
This will automatically pull the image to your local system and execute the command syft help
docker run --rm help
Generate a packaged-based Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems
syft [SOURCE] [flags]
syft [command]
syft scan alpine:latest a summary of discovered packages
syft scan alpine:latest -o json show all possible cataloging details
syft scan alpine:latest -o cyclonedx show a CycloneDX formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -o cyclonedx-json show a CycloneDX JSON formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -o spdx show a SPDX 2.3 Tag-Value formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -o spdx@2.2 show a SPDX 2.2 Tag-Value formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -o spdx-json show a SPDX 2.3 JSON formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -o spdx-json@2.2 show a SPDX 2.2 JSON formatted SBOM
syft scan alpine:latest -vv show verbose debug information
syft scan alpine:latest -o template -t my_format.tmpl show a SBOM formatted according to given template file
Supports the following image sources:
syft scan yourrepo/yourimage:tag defaults to using images from a Docker daemon. If Docker is not present, the image is pulled directly from the registry.
syft scan path/to/a/file/or/dir a Docker tar, OCI tar, OCI directory, SIF container, or generic filesystem directory
You can also explicitly specify the scheme to use:
syft scan docker:yourrepo/yourimage:tag explicitly use the Docker daemon
syft scan podman:yourrepo/yourimage:tag explicitly use the Podman daemon
syft scan registry:yourrepo/yourimage:tag pull image directly from a registry (no container runtime required)
syft scan docker-archive:path/to/yourimage.tar use a tarball from disk for archives created from "docker save"
syft scan oci-archive:path/to/yourimage.tar use a tarball from disk for OCI archives (from Skopeo or otherwise)
syft scan oci-dir:path/to/yourimage read directly from a path on disk for OCI layout directories (from Skopeo or otherwise)
syft scan singularity:path/to/yourimage.sif read directly from a Singularity Image Format (SIF) container on disk
syft scan dir:path/to/yourproject read directly from a path on disk (any directory)
syft scan file:path/to/yourproject/file read directly from a path on disk (any single file)
Available Commands:
attest Generate an SBOM as an attestation for the given [SOURCE] container image
cataloger Show available catalogers and configuration
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config show the syft configuration
convert Convert between SBOM formats
help Help about any command
login Log in to a registry
scan Generate an SBOM
version show version information
--base-path string base directory for scanning, no links will be followed above this directory, and all paths will be reported relative to this directory
-c, --config string syft configuration file
--enrich stringArray enable package data enrichment from local and online sources (options: all, golang, java, javascript)
--exclude stringArray exclude paths from being scanned using a glob expression
--file string file to write the default report output to (default is STDOUT) (DEPRECATED: use: --output FORMAT=PATH)
--from stringArray specify the source behavior to use (e.g. docker, registry, oci-dir, ...)
-h, --help help for syft
-o, --output stringArray report output format (<format>=<file> to output to a file), formats=[cyclonedx-json cyclonedx-xml github-json spdx-json spdx-tag-value syft-json syft-table syft-text template] (default [syft-table])
--override-default-catalogers stringArray set the base set of catalogers to use (defaults to 'image' or 'directory' depending on the scan source)
--platform string an optional platform specifier for container image sources (e.g. 'linux/arm64', 'linux/arm64/v8', 'arm64', 'linux')
-q, --quiet suppress all logging output
-s, --scope string selection of layers to catalog, options=[squashed all-layers] (default "squashed")
--select-catalogers stringArray add, remove, and filter the catalogers to be used
--source-name string set the name of the target being analyzed
--source-version string set the version of the target being analyzed
-t, --template string specify the path to a Go template file
-v, --verbose count increase verbosity (-v = info, -vv = debug)
--version version for syft
Use "syft [command] --help" for more information about a command.
syft scan
Show a summary of discovered packages using syft scan
docker run --rm -q scan
apk-tools 2.14.4-r0 apk
busybox 1.37.0-r0 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20241010-r1 apk
glibc 2.40-r3 apk
glibc-locale-posix 2.40-r3 apk
ld-linux 2.40-r3 apk
libcrypt1 2.40-r3 apk
libcrypto3 3.3.2-r2 apk
libgcc 14.2.0-r3 apk
libssl3 3.3.2-r2 apk
libxcrypt 4.4.36-r8 apk
wolfi-base 1-r6 apk
wolfi-baselayout 20230201-r15 apk
wolfi-keys 1-r8 apk
zlib 1.3.1-r4 apk
Contact Support
If you have a Zendesk account (typically set up for you by your Customer Success Manager) you can reach out to Chainguard's Customer Success team through our Zendesk portal.
What are Chainguard Images?
Chainguard Images are a collection of container images designed for security and minimalism.
Many Chainguard Images are distroless; they contain only an open-source application and its runtime dependencies. These images do not even contain a shell or package manager. Chainguard Images are built with Wolfi, our Linux undistro designed to produce container images that meet the requirements of a secure software supply chain.
The main features of Chainguard Images include:
As mentioned previously, Chainguard’s distroless Images have no shell or package manager by default. This is great for security, but sometimes you need these things, especially in builder images. For those cases, most (but not all) Chainguard Images come paired with a -dev
variant which does include a shell and package manager.
Although the -dev
image variants have similar security features as their distroless versions, such as complete SBOMs and signatures, they feature additional software that is typically not necessary in production environments. The general recommendation is to use the -dev
variants only to build the application and then copy all application artifacts into a distroless image, which will result in a final container image that has a minimal attack surface and won’t allow package installations or logins.
That being said, it’s worth noting that -dev
variants of Chainguard Images are completely fine to run in production environments. After all, the -dev
variants are still more secure than many popular container images based on fully-featured operating systems such as Debian and Ubuntu since they carry less software, follow a more frequent patch cadence, and offer attestations for what they include.
Learn More
To better understand how to work with Chainguard Images, we encourage you to visit Chainguard Academy, our documentation and education platform.