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Sign InMinimal Pulumi Image
The image is available on
In this directory, check the examples/
You should find an example app for the following support Pulumi languages/runtimes:
This will show an example of using Pulumi SDKs to create an Nginx pod in a kind cluster.
Try running these commands from this directory in the repo.
Set the desired language to the env var TEST_LANG
Start a kind cluster:
Extract the kubeconfig, and modify it to use an internal IP:
Create a temporary Pulumi home directory, and do a local login:
Decide a unique stack name:
Next, init a stack (for you decided language):
Note: for some runtimes, you may need to install language-specific dependencies ahead of time.
Here is an example of preinstalling Node.js dpendencies using npm install
Finally, create the stack:
You should notice a pod in the default namespace has been created:
To teardown the stack, run the following:
Now check for pods, there should not be any:
Chainguard Images contain software packages that are direct or transitive dependencies. The following licenses were found in the "latest" version of this image:
For a complete list of licenses, please refer to this Image's SBOM.
Software license agreement