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OAuth2 Proxy is a reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Azure, OpenID Connect and many more identity providers.

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Use It!

This section provides a brief overview of how you can use Chainguard's oauth2-proxy Image to set up a proxy that can intercept a call to a specified endpoint. A complete end-to-end test would require a GitHub account (or an account with another OIDC Auth provider), a trusted domain, and an OAuth application; this example will be useful to test that the image works but it will not be able to verify authentication or properly redirect users.

Run the following command.

docker run --detach --name oidc-test -p 8080:8080 \
  --cookie-secure=false \
  --cookie-secret=RYC2VBUYWQ6aenOkoN6jELQsrjtmwb23a7NdtrLI0ao= \
  --upstream=file:///dev/null \
  --http-address= \
  --redirect-url=http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback \
  --client-id=sample-id \
  --client-secret=sample-secret \
  --email-domain="*" \
  --provider=github \

This docker command runs the oauth2-proxy Image while passing a number of configuration options to it. Most of these are sample values intended to get a working example proxy up and running. One particularly important option you should be aware of is the --redirect-url, which points to the OAuth application's callback URL. In order to set up an example locally, this example uses http://localhost:8080 here.

Note that you can alternatively define these options in a configuration file or through environment variables. You can check out the OAuth2 Proxy Overview for more details on these options.

After running this command, navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. There, you'll be presented with the OAuth2 Proxy sign-in screen.

Please refer to the official documentation for more information on how to work with OAuth2 Proxy.


Chainguard Images contain software packages that are direct or transitive dependencies. The following licenses were found in the "latest" version of this image:

  • LGPL-2.1-or-later

  • MIT

  • MPL-2.0

For a complete list of licenses, please refer to this Image's SBOM.

Software license agreement

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