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Chainguard Image for lvm-driver

Dynamically provision Stateful Persistent Node-Local Volumes & Filesystems for Kubernetes that is integrated with a backend LVM2 data storage stack.

Chainguard Images are regularly-updated, minimal container images with low-to-zero CVEs.

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As of now, the upstream helm chart is a version ahead of the lvm-driver app that they use. That is, v1.6.2 version of the helm chart while the appVersion is v1.6.1 while v1.6.1 of helm chart has been retracted. The upstream discussion can be found here. However our image comes up with v1.6.2 of lvm-driver which brings the change of using OPENEBS_NAMESPACE instead of LVM_NAMESPACE. As a workaround and till upstream fixes chart version with the app, you might have to fix this with an additional step that is described later.


There are some prerequisites that need to be met before enabling lvm-localpv support in OpenEBS:

  1. All the nodes must have LVM2 utils package installed
    • You can install the package using the following command:
      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lvm2 -y
  2. All the nodes must have dm-snapshot Kernel Module loaded - (Device Mapper Snapshot)
    • You can check if the module is loaded using the following command:
      lsmod | grep dm_snapshot
    • If the module is not loaded, you can load it using the following command:
      sudo modprobe dm_snapshot
  3. SSH into each worker node and install open-iSCSI:
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install -y open-iscsi
     sudo systemctl enable --now iscsid
     sudo systemctl status iscsid

You can find more information on the project repository here.

Installing using Helm

There is an official Helm chart for deploying the OpenEBS with lvm-localpv support enabled.

You can find the chart here.

You can use the following command to install the OpenEBS with lvm-localpv support enabled using Chainguard's image:

Add helm chart

helm repo add openebs
helm repo update

Install OpenEBS with lvm-localpv

helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs \
      --set lvm-localpv.enabled="true" \
      --set lvm-localpv.lvmPlugin.image.registry="" \
      --set lvm-localpv.lvmPlugin.image.repository="chainguard/lvm-driver" \
      --set lvm-localpv.lvmPlugin.image.tag="latest" --create-namespace

Workaround to fix usage of OPENEBS_NAMESPACE discussed earlier

kubectl edit daemonset openebs-lvm-localpv-node -n openebs

You can then edit the references of LVM_NAMESPACE with OPENEBS_NAMESPACE and then wait for the pods to rollout.


Once done, you can verify with the below command and logs should look like them:

kubectl logs  openebs-lvm-localpv-node-rdq9w -n openebs -c openebs-lvm-plugin

Here's how logs might appear

I1017 11:31:48.938020       1 main.go:149] LVM Driver Version :- 1.6.2 - commit :- 45e0fbdd6af38f3025132fff5b6d10c3c2eec1fb
I1017 11:31:48.938074       1 main.go:150] DriverName: Plugin: agent EndPoint: unix:///plugin/csi.sock NodeID: SetIOLimits: false ContainerRuntime: containerd RIopsPerGB: [] WIopsPerGB: [] RBpsPerGB: [] WBpsPerGB: []
I1017 11:31:48.938098       1 driver.go:49] enabling volume access mode: SINGLE_NODE_WRITER
I1017 11:31:48.938851       1 grpc.go:190] Listening for connections on address: &net.UnixAddr{Name:"//plugin/csi.sock", Net:"unix"}
I1017 11:31:48.939748       1 builder.go:84] Creating event broadcaster
I1017 11:31:48.939848       1 builder.go:90] Creating lvm snapshot controller object
I1017 11:31:48.939880       1 builder.go:99] Adding Event handler functions for lvm snapshot controller
I1017 11:31:48.939897       1 start.go:72] Starting informer for lvm snapshot controller
I1017 11:31:48.939916       1 start.go:74] Starting Lvm snapshot controller
I1017 11:31:48.939929       1 snapshot.go:195] Starting Snap controller
I1017 11:31:48.939937       1 snapshot.go:198] Waiting for informer caches to sync
I1017 11:31:48.940171       1 builder.go:84] Creating event broadcaster
I1017 11:31:48.940327       1 builder.go:90] Creating lvm volume controller object
I1017 11:31:48.940446       1 builder.go:101] Adding Event handler functions for lvm volume controller
I1017 11:31:48.940617       1 start.go:73] Starting informer for lvm volume controller
I1017 11:31:48.940762       1 start.go:75] Starting Lvm volume controller
I1017 11:31:48.940835       1 volume.go:295] Starting Vol controller
I1017 11:31:48.941021       1 volume.go:298] Waiting for informer caches to sync
I1017 11:31:48.963647       1 builder.go:95] Creating lvm node controller object
I1017 11:31:48.968900       1 builder.go:110] Adding Event handler functions for lvm node controller
I1017 11:31:48.970674       1 start.go:98] Starting informer for lvm node controller
I1017 11:31:48.970704       1 start.go:101] Starting Lvm node controller
I1017 11:31:48.970711       1 lvmnode.go:223] Starting Node controller
I1017 11:31:48.970716       1 lvmnode.go:226] Waiting for informer caches to sync
I1017 11:31:49.040068       1 snapshot.go:202] Starting Snap workers
I1017 11:31:49.040111       1 snapshot.go:209] Started Snap workers
I1017 11:31:49.042803       1 volume.go:302] Starting Vol workers
I1017 11:31:49.042996       1 volume.go:309] Started Vol workers
I1017 11:31:49.086469       1 lvmnode.go:231] Starting Node workers
I1017 11:31:49.086494       1 lvmnode.go:238] Started Node workers
I1017 11:31:49.287634       1 lvmnode.go:90] lvm node controller: creating new node object for &{TypeMeta:{Kind: APIVersion:} ObjectMeta:{ GenerateName: Namespace:openebs SelfLink: UID: ResourceVersion: Generation:0 CreationTimestamp:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC DeletionTimestamp:<nil> DeletionGracePeriodSeconds:<nil> Labels:map[] Annotations:map[] OwnerReferences:[{APIVersion:v1 Kind:Node UID:1294e0df-187f-4ef6-927e-95d8e64e064d Controller:0xc00032f9a6 BlockOwnerDeletion:<nil>}] Finalizers:[] ManagedFields:[]} VolumeGroups:[]}
I1017 11:31:49.299925       1 lvmnode.go:94] lvm node controller: created node object openebs/
I1017 11:31:49.299952       1 lvmnode.go:306] Successfully synced 'openebs/'
I1017 11:31:49.301261       1 lvmnode.go:153] Got add event for lvm node openebs/
I1017 11:31:49.461978       1 grpc.go:72] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/GetPluginInfo requests {}
I1017 11:31:49.463759       1 grpc.go:81] GRPC response: {"name":"","vendor_version":"1.6.2"}
I1017 11:31:49.477923       1 grpc.go:72] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Node/NodeGetInfo requests {}
I1017 11:31:49.479442       1 lvmnode.go:306] Successfully synced 'openebs/'
I1017 11:31:49.485697       1 grpc.go:81] GRPC response: {"accessible_topology":{"segments":{"":"","":""}},"node_id":""}
I1017 11:32:49.267418       1 lvmnode.go:306] Successfully synced 'openebs/'
I1017 11:33:49.297315       1 lvmnode.go:306] Successfully synced 'openebs/

Contact Support

If you have a Zendesk account (typically set up for you by your Customer Success Manager) you can reach out to Chainguard's Customer Success team through our Zendesk portal.

What are Chainguard Images?

Chainguard Images are a collection of container images designed for security and minimalism.

Many Chainguard Images are distroless; they contain only an open-source application and its runtime dependencies. These images do not even contain a shell or package manager. Chainguard Images are built with Wolfi, our Linux undistro designed to produce container images that meet the requirements of a secure software supply chain.

The main features of Chainguard Images include:

-dev Variants

As mentioned previously, Chainguard’s distroless Images have no shell or package manager by default. This is great for security, but sometimes you need these things, especially in builder images. For those cases, most (but not all) Chainguard Images come paired with a -dev variant which does include a shell and package manager.

Although the -dev image variants have similar security features as their distroless versions, such as complete SBOMs and signatures, they feature additional software that is typically not necessary in production environments. The general recommendation is to use the -dev variants only to build the application and then copy all application artifacts into a distroless image, which will result in a final container image that has a minimal attack surface and won’t allow package installations or logins.

That being said, it’s worth noting that -dev variants of Chainguard Images are completely fine to run in production environments. After all, the -dev variants are still more secure than many popular container images based on fully-featured operating systems such as Debian and Ubuntu since they carry less software, follow a more frequent patch cadence, and offer attestations for what they include.

Learn More

To better understand how to work with Chainguard Images, we encourage you to visit Chainguard Academy, our documentation and education platform.


Chainguard Images contain software packages that are direct or transitive dependencies. The following licenses were found in the "latest" version of this image:

  • Apache-2.0

  • BSD-1-Clause

  • BSD-2-Clause

  • BSD-3-Clause

  • BSD-4-Clause-UC


  • GCC-exception-3.1

For a complete list of licenses, please refer to this Image's SBOM.

Software license agreement


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