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A Wolfi-based image for NeuVector - a full lifecycle container security platform.

Download this Image

The image is available on cgr.dev:

docker pull cgr.dev/chainguard/neuvector-manager:latest

Install the Helm repository

Install the NeuVector Helm chart repository and update:

helm repo add neuvector https://neuvector.github.io/neuvector-helm/
helm repo update

Generate internal certificates

Refer to NeuVector's documentation on generating internal certs here. These are not provided out of the box as they should be changed within a production environment.

Create a namespace for NeuVector:

kubectl create ns neuvector

Create a secret with the internal certs:

kubectl create secret generic internal-cert -n neuvector --from-file=cert.key --from-file=cert.pem --from-file=ca.cert

Deploy CRD

Deploy the custom resource definition:

helm install core neuvector/crd -n neuvector

Deploy core

Deploy NeuVector core:

helm install core neuvector/core -n neuvector \
  --set registry=cgr.dev \
  --set controller.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-controller \
  --set controller.internal.certificate.secret=internal-cert \
  --set controller.internal.certificate.keyFile=cert.key \
  --set controller.internal.certificate.pemFile=cert.pem \
  --set controller.internal.certificate.caFile=ca.cert \
  --set enforcer.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-enforcer \
  --set enforcer.internal.certificate.secret=internal-cert \
  --set enforcer.internal.certificate.keyFile=cert.key \
  --set enforcer.internal.certificate.pemFile=cert.pem \
  --set enforcer.internal.certificate.caFile=ca.cert \
  --set manager.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-manager \
  --set cve.scanner.image.registry=cgr.dev \
  --set cve.scanner.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-scanner \
  --set cve.scanner.internal.certificate.secret=internal-cert \
  --set cve.scanner.internal.certificate.keyFile=cert.key \
  --set cve.scanner.internal.certificate.pemFile=cert.pem \
  --set cve.scanner.internal.certificate.caFile=ca.cert \
  --set cve.updater.image.registry=cgr.dev \
  --set cve.updater.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-updater \
  --set crdwebhook.enabled=false

Note that the container runtime will need to be changed depending on where NeuVector is deployed. For example, for k3s we would set:

  --set k3s.enabled=true \
  --set k3s.runtimePath=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock

By default, the runtime is set to docker.

The *.internal.certificate.* entries can all be removed except for *.internal.certificate.secret if using the default values of keyFile=tls.key, pemFile=tls.pem, and caFile=ca.crt.

Deploy monitor

Deploy the monitor chart with prometheus exporter:

helm install monitor neuvector/monitor -n neuvector \
  --set registry=cgr.dev \
  --set exporter.apiSvc=neuvector-svc-controller:10443 \
  --set exporter.image.repository=chainguard/neuvector-prometheus-exporter

The API service is changed as by default it points to a non-existant neuvector-svc-controller-api service.

You're now running NeuVector with Chainguard images! Consult NeuVector's documentation for additional configuration.


Chainguard Images contain software packages that are direct or transitive dependencies. The following licenses were found in the "latest" version of this image:

  • Apache-2.0

  • LGPL-2.1-or-later

  • MIT

  • MPL-2.0

For a complete list of licenses, please refer to this Image's SBOM.

Software license agreement


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